Liquid Nitrogen Solutions
We Supply Cool Stuff
Liquid Nitrogen Solutions specialises in the field of cryogenic applications. Innovation and solution-oriented thinking, combined with commitment to excellence and high quality products, is at the heart of the service we provide.

Artificial Insemination Industry
Artificial Insemination (A.I.) is a common practice in the agricultural segment of the South African economy. It is used on farms producing dairy cows, beef cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry and game animals. The seed of the specific animal breed or bloodline is harvested and stored at cryogenic temperatures, in specialized containers. These containers are commonly named dewars or cryogenic freezers. The harvested seed is stored either in the Liquid Nitrogen or in the vapour phase of the cryogenic liquid.
Cryogenic Shrink Fitting of Mechanical Parts and the Cryogenic Treatment of Metals
This practise relies on the cryogenic nature of the Liquid Nitrogen to temporarily shrink metal components, with the resultant effect of temporarily altering its dimensions, in order that another component can be fitted to it, without having to use excessive mechanical effort. The main users are precision engineers, automotive and earth moving equipment companies and marine contractors. Cryogenic treatment can also be done to certain metals where the wear resistance of the component needs to be altered.
For Shrink Fitting, the method employs either a container or bath in which the component that is to be treated can fit, and then pouring the Liquid Nitrogen into it or over it. The dimensions are constantly measured and once the desired shrinkage is achieved, the other component is fitted. The components are then left to naturally return to ambient temperature and a mechanical fit is achieved in the process.
Culinary Applications
In cooking, liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant. It is not an ingredient and so it is never ingested; it cools the food, then evaporates. It is only after complete evaporation of the liquid nitrogen that the food can be ingested. Foods that are cooled with liquid nitrogen are extremely cold as they have been in contact with this cryogenic substance, and should be left to warm up before being touched and ingested, in the same way that foods dipped in boiling oil must cool down before being touched. The denser the food, the colder it will be and therefore the longer it will need to warm up. This is why chefs typically use liquid nitrogen to make meringues or frozen mousse, that is to say, they dip very low density confections.
Some chefs use the cooling properties of liquid nitrogen to make ice creams. The creaminess of the ice cream is obtained thanks to the small size of the ice crystals formed during cooling with liquid nitrogen. It is also possible to create amazing appetizers like frozen meringue or mousse.
Laboratories and Biological Tissue Preservation
Laboratory use of Liquid Nitrogen ranges from commercial applications, to educational applications at tertiary education facilities. The main application is however for cryogenic storage of tissue samples for either scientific research or pathological reasons.
Medical applications of Liquid Nitrogen, or Cryosurgery makes use of extreme cold produced by liquid nitrogen to destroy abnormal tissue. It is mostly used to treat external tumors, such as those on the skin. It has also been used for many years in the treatment of skin cancer.
In Vitro Fertlilisation or IVF, is the joining of a woman's egg and a man's sperm in a laboratory dish. This procedure therefore requires that clinics have access to Liquid Nitrogen for the cryogenic storage of the semen.