Liquid Nitrogen Solutions
We Supply Cool Stuff
Liquid Nitrogen is produced through the process of Air Separation or Cryogenic Distillation of the Earth's Atmosphere. It has a temperature of -195.8˚ C, and because of this attribute, it has numerous applications. This is referred to as Cryogenic applications.

Our Vision.
As technology is ever evolving, and new applications for Liquid Nitrogen are developed, the market will always be in demand of the product. Cryogenic applications in the medical and animal husbandry industry is a key driver in the requirement for the product and innovative methods in the culinary arts has increased the demand for Liquid Nitrogen, fueled by the imagination of the chefs. The industrial and mechanical industry is also a driver in ever changing cryogenic applications.
Liquid Nitrogen Solutions is at the forefront of these technological advances, with the necessary cryogenic expertise, to address any application that may arise.

Company Profile.
The company focuses on the market segment of Liquid Nitrogen users, who use small to medium volumes of product, and whose business does not justify an on-site cryogenic tank. To effectively service this market, a depot has been established, where customers can have their own Liquid Nitrogen dewars filled. From this depot, a collection and delivery service is also offered.
Our differentiating factor is in the filling and transporting of the Liquid Nitrogen. It is done in such a fashion that the waste factor is reduced, and in reducing waste, the customer will be see the benefit in an economical cost of product.
The location of the business is in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town, which places it in close proximity to all major arterial routes and enables our customers to easily access us for collection purposes, as well as reducing delivery charges.